Water Conditioner and Fish Protector

NovAqua is a unique combination of chemical compounds and inorganic salts that produce highly
desirable effects in freshwater and marine systems. There are many imitations of NovAqua but
none can compare with the original "Bandage in the Bottle" in composition and effectiveness.

The advantages of using NovAqua are:
1. Provides a protective colloid coating on the fish's body during injury.
NovAqua utilizes a unique system for supplying fishes with a protective synthetic film "slime
coating" which forms rapidly on damaged areas. As the fish recovers, the natural slime layer is
replaced and the synthetic coat is sloughed off the fish's body. The action of NovAqua results in
a "bandaging effect" on the body of the fish. The action of this coat provides a barrier against
serious loss of internal fluids and electrolytes and protects damaged areas of the body against
external toxins and disease causing organisms. NovAqua also aids in concentrating certain drugs
and antibacterials at the diseased or damaged site.

2. Neutralizes chlorine, iodine and chloramine.
NovAqua contains a two-component system which reutralizes free and combined chlorine
(chloramine) and iodine in water. NovAqua is designed to neutralize up to 3.75 ppm of chlorine
(free and combined). As a dechlorinator alone, NovAqua out-performs the majority of the best
selling dechlorinators on the market.

3. Buffers Fresh water.
NovAqua contains a high capacity buffering system that is active in fresh water. This system tends
to temporarily buffer fresh water near the neutral point. This temporary buffering action is designed
to assist aquatic organisms in adapting to new environments and to prevent pH shock.

4. Detoxifies Heavy Metals.
NovAqua detoxifies heavy metals that even in low concentrations can be toxic to many aquatic
organisms. Toxic metal ions in water can come from various sources including home plumbing,
medications, lead placed in the aquarium, etc. The detoxifying process of NovAqua precipitates
the metal ions into harmless compounds rather than chelating them. NovAqua is fully capable of
precipitating free copper ions (Cu++) from solution, up to 1.17 ppm. NovAqua forms a unique
insoluble, polymeric salt with heavy metals that is stable under conditions of both high and low pH.
This is a notable advantage over other products that rely strictly upon the chelation process.
Such chelates are unstable, pH dependent, and can exchange their "bound" metal ion for another,
releasing toxic ions into the water.

5. Increases available Electrolytes.
NovAqua contains elements (cations and anions) that are required by freshwater fishes. Marine
fishes obtain their required ions by "drinking seawater", however, freshwater fishes do not.
Freshwater fishes selectively remove required ions from water via the gills. The need for certain
ions is increased during times of stress. NovAqua provides the electrolytes needed during periods
of damage and shock in freshwater fishes.

6. Reduces toxicity of nitrite
Novaqua's special clorides help reduce the toxic effects of nitrite by blocking the uptake of nitrite
by the animal.

Contains a buffering system, synthetic polymers, reducing agents (dechlorinators) electrolytes and
product stabilizers.
Dosage: Use 1 teaspoon (approximately 5 ml) per 38 Liters of water. When using at the
recommended dose, 50 ml of NovAqua will treat 380 Liters of water.

Properly stored, NovAqua is stable for up to 5 years in solution. NovAqua must not be frozen.
If the product is suspected of being frozen, inspect the contents for evidence of crystals. If crystals
have formed, the product should be discarded. Normally NovAqua should have a clear to slightly
cloudy appearance. Do not use if it has a milky appearance. NovAqua does not become toxic
with age or freezing, but its effectiveness is reduced.

Kordon's NovAqua is compatible with the majority of nonoxidizing medications used in the control
of fish diseases. NovAqua will precipitate ionic (non-chelated) copper but will react only slowly
with chelated coppers.
This product is safe for use in established aquaria and will not interfere in normal biological filtration.

NovAqua is not a medication or chemotherapeutic agent and is not indicated for any specific
disease. Its intended use is as a multipurpose water conditioner.

No cautions are required in the use of this product. NovAqua does not reach toxic levels with
regular use or even upon accidental or purposeful overdosage.

The use of NovAqua is suggested for the following conditions at the rate of 1 teaspoon per
38 Liters of water.

New Aquariums:
Use at recommended dosage. Add to the water when setting up a new tank, before the fish are
added. Add to new water each time a water change is made.

If water is suspected of containing chloramines (a complex of chlorine and ammonia) or ammonia,
the following procedure should be used to protect your fish and invertebrates:
(1) Add NovAqua to protect the fish from stress, add a protective slime coat and prevent shock;
(2) Add Kordon's AmQuel
® to remove ammonia and chloramines from the water.

Fish and invertebrate shipping/receiving:
NovAqua can be added to the shipping water before fish or invertebrates are shipped and after
receiving. The use of NovAqua will reduce stress, osmotic shock and possible chemical poisoning.
The use of NovAqua also reduces the probability of infection and increases the chances of
recovery. It is recommended that Kordon's AmQuel also be added to shipping water to reduce
toxic effects of free ammonia during shipping.

Fish transport from shops:
The use of NovAqua will reduce stress and osmotic shock. Use at the recommended dosage
(10 drops will treat 3.8 Liters). Add to the water in plastic bags containing the fish before
transporting from shop to home aquaria.

Transportation of Aquarium plants:
Mix a solution of NovAqua as directed under "Suggested Usage". Dip each plant into the solution.
Wrap for shipment. NovAqua acts as a humectant, holding moisture in the plants over extended
periods of shipment.

Field collections:
Fewer losses will be incurred due to stress, osmotic shock and chemical poisoning if newly
captured specimens are transferred immediately to water pretreated at the normal dose with

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